
No-Growth ‘Activism’ in S. County Is a Sham

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Your Aug. 5 editorial, “Growth No Longer a Given,,” as well as recent coverage on related matters in sSouth Orange County, give me great concern.

You continue to suggest that there is some sort of heightened environmental activism taking place in South County, and perhaps to some limited extent that is so.

The fact is that most of this so-called “local” activism is artificial at best.

You’ve reported that Dan Silver of the Endangered Habitats League is from Los Angeles. When did people with an L.A. address come to be known as SSouth County activists?


Los Angeles activists have taken to busing in hundreds of folks from L.A. and San Diego to attend public hearings on the future of our county, our roads and our quality of life, dwarfing the actual numbers of South County residents who attend.

Still, you report these outsiders as South County residents. These outsiders are just trying to save their own souls and redeem their own consciences because they’ve been unable to save their own communities.

Somehow they think showing up on our doorstep and making one last stand will redeem themselves.

Gary Amigliore

Anaheim Hills
