
People Against Killing the Living Wage Law

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Re “Battle Continues Over Wage Law,” Aug. 14, about the Santa Monica living wage: The current effort by business interests to place a referendum on the ballot has nothing to do with the right to vote. Rather, it is an aggressive attack on low-wage workers. That’s why I and many other voters are refusing to sign the petition being circulated.

We heard the same rhetoric about “let the people decide” last year, when luxury hotels spent $1 million on Measure KK, the phony living wage initiative. The people did decide--four out of five rejected Measure KK. Why? Because Santa Monicans overwhelmingly support the right of workers to be paid a decent wage.

If voters have any doubt about the supposed democratic inclinations of those trying to kill the living wage, consider this: Businesses have already made clear that they will sue the city if their attempts to repeal the wage law fail. Their campaign slogan should be: Let the wealthy special interests decide.


Dolores Press

Santa Monica


I almost felt a twinge of sympathy when I read that opponents of Santa Monica’s living wage only managed to attract 12 people to a recent rally. It must be lonely on the wrong side of history.

Edith Yapkowitz

Santa Monica
