
Display of State Flags Honors Our Republic

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Even though I’m an American only by naturalization, I’m proud to fly the Stars and Stripes from my flagpole at home. But since this great nation consists of entities called states and commonwealths, should we not also take pride in that? Every other day or so I fly a different state flag from my flagpole. It gets attention from neighbors. When I get asked by passers-by why I do so, I reply that Americans all over this great republic of ours should be honored by flying their state flag from time to time, as well as Old Glory.

I enjoy flying the California flag the most. Not just because California is the state that I reside in (and was naturalized in) or because I love its history. There are Californians among those who are fighting for this country. I fly it to honor them. So, if you can’t get hold of an American flag to fly, why not get a state flag? You’ll be doing no less an honor to yourself and to those who founded, fought for and defended the land your state is a proud part of. God bless the United States of America, and may God bless every one of the states as well.

Dean Thomas

