
A Lot of His Stuff Is at Least Half-Witty

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Letter writer Lou Neumark just doesn’t get it. His admiration of T.J. Simers’ column is totally off the mark. Yes, we all know that satire and sarcasm can be used to make a point. The sad fact is that T.J. is a no-talent hack who has no business being a writer in a major newspaper. His writing style is neither clever nor incisive. It is just poorly conceived and written. His “style” is obvious, irritating, antagonistic and repetitive. There is no caustic wit or intelligence to be found in Mr. Simers’ pathetic blather.

Satirical thinking needs a writer clever enough to understand its nuances. T.J. Simers certainly doesn’t have this capability.

Craig Dorsey



Thanks to Lou Neumark of Reseda for his insightful letter regarding T.J. Simers [Dec. 1]. It was a letter I could have and should have written long ago. My husband and I are disappointed when we turn to the second page and T.J. isn’t there. His satire is priceless and we enjoy him tremendously. Keep those barbs coming!


Norma Schumm

Laguna Niguel


Based on his keen intelligence, sharp wit and delicious sense of irony, I have long suspected that T.J. Simers was in reality a closet USC fan. His cloying defense of Bruin Coach Steve Lavin in Tuesday’s column completely affirmed my suspicions. Fight on, T.J.!

Joel Rapp

Los Angeles


For a newspaper that employs columnists with monikers “J.A.” and “T.J.,” your insistence that letters to the editor include full first names seems a bit absurd.

M.H. Krawczak

