
Two Neighbors, One Water Heater--a Wet Blanket for Good Relationships

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The city of Paramount’s newsletter reports that an apartment resident demanded that her neighbor be arrested for theft--of hot water. It turned out that the two shared a water heater in their building, and the victim claimed that her neighbor took very long showers, robbing her of all the hot water.

Will techies throw cold water on the Rose Bowl matchup? Miami and Nebraska have been selected to play for the championship in the Rose Bowl on Jan. 3. But, of course, the real suspense in the Pasadena arena each year is whether students from nearby Caltech will cook up some mischief.

As recounted in the book “More Legends of Caltech,” the nerds gummed up the card stunts one year, set off a small explosive at midfield another time and, in 1984, rewired the scoreboard.


One indication that the scoreboard had come under the spell of strange forces that year during the UCLA-Illinois game came in the third quarter when “CAL TECH” appeared ominously at the bottom.

Then, in the fourth quarter, Caltech and MIT suddenly appeared to be playing for the roses (see photos). Depictions of two beavers--honoring each school’s nickname--also materialized. Horrified Rose Bowl officials turned off the scoreboard, which didn’t bother the losing Illinois coach at all.

Feline felonies: “Our cat Cubby is diabetic and on insulin for the rest of his life,” wrote David Boone.


On Cubby’s most recent prescription, Boone was surprised to see a label had been added, reminding Cubby that he better watch what he drinks when he’s out tomcatting around (see accompanying).

Anyway, it’s always embarrassing, the morning after, when a hung-over cat has to have the hair of the dog.

Taming telemarketers (cont.): On the subject of telephone solicitors, Bob Reese of Tustin wrote:


“My father, who lives alone, doesn’t mind getting telemarketers’ calls, especially if they are soliciting for refinancing his condo. He will ask them if they will go for a 30-year note and they usually say yes. He then asks for one more requirement and that is he has to make the last payment in person. They usually say yes, but they want to know his age.”

Added Reese: “When he tells them that he is 93, they either hang up on him or begin to laugh so hard they can’t continue the call.”

miscelLAny: Sara Meric of Santa Monica saw an ad headlined “Twin Soul” that asked, “Did you know that your unique blood type is the link to your twin soul, your one and only true love?”

The company asked for $39.95 plus personal information, including blood type. In return, you receive a book revealing your “twin soul connection.”

I dunno. If I were single, I’m not sure I’d want to have a romance with my “twin soul.” Sounds unnatural.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A., 90012 and by e-mail at
