
A Camera-Ready Life

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Hugh Hefner’s famous former twin girlfriends Mandy and Sandy Bentley, both 23, invited us to interview them about the two years they spent at the mogul’s Bel-Air mansion. During an afternoon chat Monday in the living room of Mandy’s modest Woodland Hills home, the women told us that Hefner treats his ladies as pampered pets. Butlers were always on hand to serve them. Limo drivers were standing by to shuttle them. Nearly every night included cocktails, dinner out and a movie or dancing. And clothes were optional. “We didn’t want for anything,” Sandy told us. “You can pretty much do anything--if you’re a woman,” Mandy said. The mansion was abuzz with Hefner’s male friends and “tons of girls,” Mandy said, and orgies “happen everywhere,” when you’re with Hef. They say the only catch was that Hefner’s girlfriends were expected to be camera-ready at all times. And ultimately, that’s why the women left the mansion a year ago. The twins said they tired of living the public life, an environment that called for them to have full hair and makeup done before they left the house. “I got kind of consumed with other people’s judgments,” Sandy said. Now, however, she revels in being able to “walk out looking as funky as possible.”

These days, the Bentley twins are touting their new Web site,, which has no (full) nudity and shows their new calendar. They’re also anxious to participate in a USO tour. (As their manager David Osokow pointed out, the camouflage bikini they wear on their Web site would “build morale.”)


The Producers, Cont.

Here’s the third and final excerpt of the e-mail exchange between Judd Apatow and Mark Brazill. For those just tuning in, it all began when Apatow e-mailed Brazill to ask if it was OK that Topher Grace, star of “That ‘70s Show,” which Brazill co-created, make a guest appearance on “Undeclared,” which is produced by Apatow. That prompted Brazill to accuse Apatow of stealing comedy sketches. In the last e-mail, Apatow responds line by line to Brazill’s previous e-mail.


The scene: Two writers typing furiously.

Brazill: “How appropriate that you had to use someone else’s joke to take a swipe at me.”

Apatow: “That was the joke. How interesting that you couldn’t understand that. You would think someone with the lineage of ‘Yard Dogs’ would have the intellectual acumen to pick up on that. I feel for the writers that have to pitch to you. Never doubt how much they hate you.”

Brazill: “We’ll never be ‘friends,’ regardless of the ... whining from your last e-mail.”

Apatow: “After you said ‘get cancer’ did you really think I was looking to heal our relationship? Usually the cancer insult is a closer. I’m sure everyone who has suffered with that appreciates your sharp wit.”

Brazill: “I respect you zero.”

Apatow: “Oh no.”

Brazill: “See ya at the upfronts ... unless you get canceled before that.”

Apatow: “If you think cancellation hurts me at this point, you haven’t been following my career as closely as I thought. I guess you are too busy tracking my real estate problems.”

Brazill: “Until then, die in a fiery accident and taste your own blood.”

Apatow: “That’s a Sam Kinison line ... !!! Hypocrite!!!! J’accuse!!!!”

Fade out.


Hawn on Gossip

“We used to pretend that we didn’t care when someone said something unkind,” she said during a speech to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Monday. “But words do hurt. And painful words have no place in a ‘better normal’ world.”
