
Changing Lives Through Faith

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* Charles Colson (“America’s Way Is to Help Thy Neighbor,” Commentary, Jan. 31) claims a 5% recidivism rate for the Texas prison program he developed with then-Gov. George W. Bush, versus far greater (40% to 60%) recidivism rates among prisons nationwide. He claims that the “life-changing power” of Jesus is the only thing he has ever seen work to help these prisoners. In other words, nobody has ever been restored as a decent citizen without Jesus. What nonsense!

It seems to me that an intense program similar to Colson’s, which would involve “intensive life skills” training, a guarantee of a job and community support on release--but without any religious hoopla or indoctrination in Christianity whatsoever--would yield good results also. There are very few prisons in the U.S. that do any counseling or job assistance these days. There is no real basis to claim that Jesus works and nothing else will, if almost nobody else is doing rehab training.


Huntington Beach


Many Americans will accept President Bush’s governmental approach to humanitarianism (Jan. 30). I know, because I’ve been a beneficiary and benefactor of public service most of my life. Faith-based institutions are the pillars of African American communities. As he promised, Bush intends to heal America through faith: an agenda of true compassion. Currently, America needs such leadership to battle poverty and social ills like infidelity, abandonment, gang violence, domestic violence, mental illness and homelessness. Bush’s agendum will help alcoholics, drug addicts and prisoners as well as provide services such as child care.


Historically, courageous leaders used political will and compassion for the betterment of all Americans. Like FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society, Bush’s faith-based presidency is ambitious enough to uplift America’s poor and downtrodden. For although big government shouldn’t tell individuals how to run their lives, government can lend a big hand in rebuilding shattered lives and neighborhoods.

CARL L. McGILL, Chairman

Black Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles County, Inglewood


When funding is denied for contraception because there is an association with abortion, but funding for religious groups is approved, we have no separation between church and state.


Garden Grove
