
Plan for Uninsured

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The American Medical Assn. is pleased to see Families USA and the Health Insurance Assn. of America come together with a plan to cover the uninsured (Opinion, interview, Jan. 28). The AMA’s plan for action on the uninsured also relies on tax credits, but we call for refundable tax credits that go directly to patients, not employers. The AMA has long advocated for measures to put control over health care decisions back into the hands of patients. Most employers who offer insurance to their employees don’t give them any choice of health plan. It’s take it or leave it. The AMA’s plan would allow individuals and families to choose a health plan based on individual needs and preferences.

Individual ownership of health insurance allows patients more voice in how their health care is delivered. If a health plan fails to meet the patient’s needs, the patient can switch to a plan that does. This will force health plans to compete to please patients.


AMA President

