
Reagan Birthday Bash Has Visitors Seeing Doubles

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Somehow, at a gathering of presidential look-alikes at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Sunday, two Bill Clintons managed to get in.

They stood out among the four Reagans, two George Bushes (a George W. and a George H.W.), two Abraham Lincolns, two Theodore Roosevelts and two George Washingtons, who made up most of the 17 contestants who helped celebrate the 90th birthday of the 40th president.

Imitators of Reagan, whose birthday is Tuesday, were the focus of the several thousand visitors who shook hands, posed for pictures, sang birthday songs, looked at classic cars, ate barbecue and listened to music by the Left Coast Rhythm and Blues Band.


“This is the most I’ve seen together at one time,” said Reagan look-alike Jay Koch of Port Hueneme. “And I’ve been doing this for 20 years.”

He posed for pictures with mock-Clinton Richard Bremler of Santa Clarita, quipping that they were “The Gipper and the Zipper.”

The contestants were vying for a weeklong trip to Washington, D.C. Visitors to Sunday’s event could vote for their favorite look-alike, and the winner will be announced today, a Reagan library official said.


Koch, Bremler and company dominated the day, as visitors buzzed around them like paparazzi, busily snapping pictures.

“Where else could I get a picture of my girlfriend with Teddy Roosevelt?” said Ken Copel, who took photos of April Castaneda as she posed in turn with presidents from four centuries.

The pair said they drove up from Santa Monica just for the look-alike contest.

Some of the Reagans were a little thin, one had a Brooklyn accent, one a Czech accent, and one was 8 years old. The crowd had fun anyway, and anyone who looked remotely presidential found himself the center of attention.


Other political look-alikes took the opportunity to play their favorite part. Gene Collins of Hacienda Heights came as Benjamin Franklin, to tag along with his friend, Ted Alexander, one of the two Washingtons.

Mary Gallucci of Camarillo came as former first lady Barbara Bush, and soon found herself posing with Simi Valley resident Ron Long and Ken Dickey of Newbury Park, who look like George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush.

Some, like the two Clintons, were taking their first presidential turn, while others have been at it for years and slipped easily into speaking in the first person when asked about the president they resembled.

When asked his age, Washington imitator Alexander said 269; Lincoln look-alike William Truman Peck said he grew whiskers because an 11-year-old girl told him he’d get more votes that way. Theodore Roosevelt look-alike Richard Pierce said he was displeased with recent editorials about his policies regarding the Panama Canal.

Have any ever met their real-life counterparts? Koch said he met Reagan once, after the president had left the White House, a moment Koch said he’ll always remember.

Tom Page, 58, of Santa Monica, posed as Clinton for the first time Sunday, after years of being told he talked and looked just like him.


Page, who writes science fiction novels, said he decided to come on Sunday because, “any time I try something outlandish it always works out.”

He said the contest was a strange experience, getting asked to pose for pictures because he looked like Clinton, but worth it.
