
Differing Views on ‘Left Behind’

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* Re “Left Behind: The Movie,” Feb. 2: As a Christian minister (retired) I was deeply disturbed by your report on this film. “Left Behind” is based on a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation in the Bible, prophesying cataclysmic events to occur at the end of history, described as “mystery, conspiracy and doom.”

The promoters have every right to set forth their views. Nor do we question their sincerity and zeal, however unacceptable and even repugnant we find such interpretations. However, the public should be advised that the vast majority of Christians categorically reject such an interpretation. It is not “the Christian belief” that “true believers will vanish into the air with Christ,” with the concomitant violent events promised in this film. On the contrary, ours is a gospel of love, compassion, forgiveness and grace.




My daughter bought “Left Behind” for our family. It is well-filmed and the suspense kept us waiting and wanting more. It gave more. It was first released to video stores in 1999. Those of us who believe in the literal truth of the Scriptures will compare the events in the movie to those in Revelation and other apocryphal books. We must discern which apply to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 and which to the end of the world.


We who study the Bible know the word “rapture” does not occur there. The second coming is mentioned several times. An entire body of beliefs has grown up around that word “rapture” in recent years.”Left Behind” makes an interesting story and is fascinating when we consider the what-ifs and whether it could be true.


