
Arne Hasselqvist; Architect Created Celebrity Homes

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Arne Hasselqvist, 63, a Swedish architect known for designing celebrity homes in the Caribbean. Hasselqvist, 63, and his son Lukus, 23, were found dead inside their rental apartment in Nassau, Bahamas, after firefighters extinguished a blaze. Fire crews said the Hasselqvists had been evacuated from the burning duplex but apparently returned to try to save valuable documents. They were believed to have died from smoke inhalation. They had lived on the island of Mustique in the Grenadines for many years and were in the Bahamas to work on a home in the Old Bahama Bay resort on Grand Bahama Island. Hasselqvist, who ran his own international architectural design firm in St. Vincent, West Indies, designed and built homes on Mustique for celebrities including Britain’s Princess Margaret, designer Tommy Hilfiger and musicians Mick Jagger and David Bowie. On Monday.
