
To a Man, Readers Getting Tired of Laker Drama

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Dear Shaq and Kobe,

Speaking, I believe, for millions of fans, many of whom sat patiently on their hands while others have taken sides, you’ve had your fun, thrown all your hissy fits and generally embarrassed the entire city with your ungracious and season-threatening bickering. You didn’t come to the table in any condition--mental or physical--to defend the title you worked so hard to win and you haven’t shown any interest in repeating.

Nobody cares who “the man” is. That ship has sailed, boys. You’ve demonstrated in no uncertain terms that neither of you is mature enough to assume the mantle of team leader. It remains to be seen whether either of you is mature enough to shut up, play team ball and beat the teams you’re supposed to beat, much less earn home-court advantage for the playoffs.

What’s the matter, fellas? We’re not paying you enough? Grow up and do your job.


Los Angeles


I am tired of hearing that Shaq is the best center in the world, except for his free-throw shooting. It’s like saying, “That was the best chicken I have ever eaten, except for the salmonella.”



Rowland Heights


So Phil Jackson expects Kobe to score 30 points a game and shoot over 50%, distribute 10 assists and grab 10 boards, all the while deferring to Shaq and his teammates. He’s expected to shut down quick-as-lightning guards on back-to-back road games with very little help, along with a bad shoulder, a bad elbow and a bad knee all at the tender age of 22.

I just hope in his spare time Kobe can solve the energy crisis, clear up that problem in the Middle East and get us all a tax break.




I wonder how long it’s going to take for Kobe to notice that other coaches don’t dress down their stars during timeouts for all the cameras to see?



Los Angeles


Forget whether Shaq and Kobe can bury the hatchet and lead the Lakers to another title: The real drama of the NBA season is whether CNN’s Fred Hickman will vote for O’Neal and deprive Allen Iverson of a unanimous MVP award.


