
Proud Telecommuter

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* Re “Companies Turning Cool to Telecommuting Trend,” Dec. 28:

Most middle managers and supervisors are workers who are unable to act as individual contributors; thus, their reason for being is to “monitor the productivity of their workers.” I have telecommuted for almost three years, and my productivity has never been higher. Nobody stops by my desk to repeatedly ask me for “status.” Nobody stops by to rehash the game last night. Nobody drops by to see if there is any way that I could do their job for them. Most of my communication is via e-mail, which cuts out the obligatory weather and family chit-chat that opens all verbal communications.

The article accurately points out that the tide will turn when the current generation of supervisors is replaced by people who “get it.” The real problem here is not productivity but fear and loathing on the part of people who have no real contribution to make.

I am proud to work for a company that still encourages telecommuting. The company trusts me, and I return its trust with a high level of productivity. What a concept.



Aliso Viejo
