
Leaks Not Unique to Huntington

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* The fiasco of major sewage problems in Huntington Beach should be the final clarion call necessary for Orange County residents. People in the areas that have admittedly archaic storm drain and waste water pipes have every right to be alarmed.

Older cities with these antiquated and undersized systems, like Laguna Beach, have continuing problems that will demand big amounts of funding to rectify. More citizens have learned what environmentalists already perceived--sewage (waste water) leaks can and do find their way into the aquifers, storm drains and streams of Orange County. You and your children could be drinking or swimming in sewage-tainted water.

Officials in Huntington Beach are the norm, not the exception. No one wants to be the messenger shot for the news they bring. The public health and safety issues are ignored more often than not. Even though it was years ago, many officials still use the “bankruptcy card” as an excuse. Investigation by regulatory agencies and the grand jury will reveal if there’s another “shoe” waiting to drop. Millions of gallons beneath the streets, so it’s “out of sight, out of mind.” Who’s next?



Clean Water Now Coalition

Laguna Beach

* Re “Huntington Didn’t Report Massive Sewer Leaks,” Dec. 10:

I think this is sick. I am sure that most people feel disgusted to now know that for years they could have been drinking contaminated water. That would make me just sick.

The fact that Huntington Beach cannot raise money to hire people to fix the pipes at least once a year is pathetic. I know that if I were a homeowner in this city, I would donate at least some money, just because of [the possibility of] drinking contaminated water. I really hope that they can solve this problem somehow.


