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Since linebacker Harry Carson was among the former Giants on the sideline for Sunday’s game, it was only fitting that he be put to good use. Carson is the O.G. (Original Gatorade) dumper, the creator of the on-field shower for winning coaches that has become almost cliched.

He first dumped a bucket on Bill Parcells when the Giants were on their way to the Super Bowl in 1986. With about three minutes left in the game Sunday, New York center Dusty Zeigler enlisted Carson’s aid to get Fassel.

“I didn’t want to do it, because this is for them,” Carson said. “But it seems like there’s a bond between the old players and the younger guys who are playing now. Since I was out here as an honorary captain, they wanted me to take part in it.”


So how was his form? “It’s still there,” the former linebacker said. “It’s still there.”
