
John Ashcroft

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Regardless of John Ashcroft’s many attempts to portray himself as a reasonable nominee for the position of attorney general (Jan. 17-18), his record, his associations and his previous statements all reveal him as an extremist with positions far to the right of the American mainstream. Had George W. Bush actually won the popular election, he might be justified in thinking he had a mandate for such Cabinet appointments, but under the circumstances, a far more moderate stance would go a great deal further in convincing the majority of us who did not vote for him that he does intend to be a unifier and a president for all Americans. Neither Ashcroft nor Bush fools me with his pseudo-moderate spin.


Los Angeles


A Bush presidency has already brought us this: an attorney general nominee who raises such grave doubts that he must promise, and not convincingly at that, to enforce the laws of the United States. That such a promise was even thought necessary disqualifies Ashcroft. Not since John Mitchell has there been someone in line to head the Department of Justice so deficient in the broad-mindedness and commitment to the law that that job demands.




Ashcroft claims he attacked Judge Ronnie White for dissenting [in a death penalty case] because the crime was so heinous (Jan. 19). But White didn’t dissent on the grounds that the crime was insufficiently heinous; he dissented on the grounds that the condemned man was incompetently defended. Is Ashcroft’s position that people accused of serious crimes lose their right to prove their innocence?



Los Angeles


I have been extremely disgusted by the way so many in the media, the Democratic congressional leadership and so-called “activists” have demeaned themselves with unfair and patently dishonest attacks on Ashcroft. They have stooped to name-calling. Please don’t call him a racist when he voted to confirm 26 of 28 black judges. Please stop calling him “extremist” because he is a Christian, which describes a large percentage of Americans. Ashcroft has the experience, integrity and ability to be a fine attorney general for the U.S.


Garden Grove
