
Castro Pushes His Luck

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Two prominent Czech activists became targets of Fidel Castro’s wrath this month after they visited Cuban journalist Antonio Femenias and human rights activist Roberto Valdivia. That contact could cost them up to 20 years in prison. So much for the hand of international friendship when politics are involved.

Ivan Pilip, a Czech parliament member and former finance minister, and Jan Bubenik, a onetime student leader, have been charged with “counterrevolutionary plotting on behalf of United States interests.” The men were arrested in central Cuba, where they had met with the two Cuban dissidents.

When foreigners meet with dissidents in Cuba, the standard government reaction is expulsion. Two Swedish journalists recently were bounced, but the Czechs presented a greater problem for Cuban diplomacy. Pilip and Bubenik have gotten squeezed between Czech President Vaclav Havel, who led his country away from communism, and Castro, a hero of the movement. What once was a warm relationship between Prague and Havana cooled with the demise of communism and last year turned icy when the Czechs co-sponsored a joint U.N. resolution accusing Cuba of human rights violations.


An angry Prague has asked the European Union to press Havana on the arrests, Germany has demanded that the pair be freed and Washington has issued a strong condemnation. Wider diplomatic pressure should be applied. European countries that maintain good relations with Cuba should appeal to Castro to free the Czechs.

The Cuban caudillo will gain nothing by these arrests and stands to lose ground with countries that have so far been patient with his dictatorial policies.
