
Golden Globe Politics

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Were Patrick Goldstein and Susan King watching the Golden Globes telecast (“Global Victories in Hollywood’s Arena,” Jan. 22)? Their comment about “the evening [being] peppered with political jokes and gibes” wasn’t even correct.

There were, at most, two very weak attempts at humor when there were references to “a recount,” George Clooney’s failed gibe about John Ashcroft, and Martin Sheen’s more extensive remarks about “West Wing.”

Despite my strong conservative leanings, I respect Martin Sheen’s right to comment, being that he was the only speaker who puts his time and money where his publicized opinion is. I notice that Goldstein and King neatly omitted the civil and respectful commentary by Sheen following his award acceptance when he was interviewed by Dick Clark and voiced his support and prayers for the new president.



San Gabriel


Reading the recap in Liz Smith’s Jan. 23 column in which she mentioned some of the speeches given by the winners at the Golden Globe Awards, she failed to mention what has to have been the most touching: when Martin Sheen thanked his “trophy” wife of 40 years.

Seeing the likes of Kelsey Grammer, James Woods and Michael Douglas on the arms of what could easily be mistaken as their daughters, it was truly heartwarming.

Thank you Martin Sheen.


Los Angeles


Earth to Liz Smith: Bob Dylan and Keith Richards are not “spooky.” Your column is.




Congratulations to the winners of the most prestigious Golden Globes. Unlike the networking, politicking, catering and hometown-hyped Academy Awards, you have been judged for your achievements by the diverse nationalities and cultures of the world. Truly an artistic accomplishment.



Pinon Hills
