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The Baltimore Ravens are not just tough talkers, they’re tough surfers.

The Ravens frequently sneak into the trainer’s room and log on to the Internet through a trainer’s computer. Once there, officials say it is nearly impossible to get them off.

“Any time you see one of the guys at Bill Tessendorf’s computer, that means he’s on the Net,” Rod Woodson said. “There’s somebody on that computer every day.”

The computer, which is supposed to be used for recording injuries, is more often used for chat rooms.


One can imagine how these Ravens might dominate a chat room.


In one of the oddest Super Bowl sales jobs in recent history, Art Modell has rented several billboards around Tampa and ordered that they be adorned with the Baltimore Ravens’ logo.

Remember, few people from the host city are ever able to buy tickets to the actual Super Bowl, so Modell is drumming up support for . . . what exactly?

Jason Sehorn of the New York Giants thinks it’s silly.

“Shoot, half of Tampa is from New York,” he said. “We don’t need to buy billboards. They [residents] are all wearing blue anyway. [Ravens billboards] are false advertising.”
