
Mission Hills Event to Mark Court Ruling

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* Re “Abortion Foes Mark Court Ruling,” Jan. 21.

Apparently Cardinal Roger M. Mahony refuses to acknowledge a 23-year-old organization, the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (Coalition for Reproductive Choice). In the article, he made an unconscionable statement that “it is only the pro-life side that prays. . . . The other side does not pray and so ultimately will lose.” How dare he deride those of different faiths who do not agree with his doctrine! How can he know that pro-choice individuals do not pray. He is not God!




As a pro-life Democrat (there is such an organization,, I found the conference to be a Republican love fest of overwhelming gray-haired whites, and merely anti-abortion instead of pro-life. In fact, for those behind all the booths and the leaders of the conference, it was almost all white. This does not reflect the diocese or even my parish, both of which are a lot younger and a higher proportion of people of color.

Another interesting note, my wife and one other lady were the only physically disabled persons to be seen in the crowd. There was not one bathroom in the whole campus that had a stall that was wheelchair-accessible. It seems they can declare their love for the unborn they cannot see but fall short in providing basic accommodations for those that are not sweet-looking babies that they can see. (The previous is a paraphrase of the words of Jesus.)


While they rampaged over the women getting abortions and had a decent speaker on assisted suicide, there was nothing about things that would provide means for women to keep their children, like universal health care, expansion of food stamps, increase in public education funds or housing assistance. Yet they were clear on women keeping babies from abortion. To paraphrase Jesus in his criticism of the Pharisees (some call the religious right of His day), they are willing to place heavy burdens on others but not lift a finger to help. They did admit that adoption is not a panacea.

There seems plenty of condemnation and not enough compassion.


