
Fingerprinting Gun Buyers

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* Re “Measure to Fingerprint Gun Buyers Advances,” Jan. 23:

How typical of the National Rifle Assn. to oppose a common-sense measure such as L.A. Councilman Mike Feuer’s proposal to fingerprint gun buyers! This law would enable prosecutors to go after convicted felons who try to buy guns. But Steve Helsley of the NRA says that “there has never been any inclination to prosecute violators” who try to obtain firearms despite being prohibited persons. Enforcement of existing laws requires the means to enforce the existing laws--and by fingerprinting gun buyers, prosecutors are given the means to prove a prohibited person attempted to buy a gun. They can then file cases against these criminals to put them behind bars, where they belong.


Women Against Gun Violence

Los Angeles


It is difficult for me to believe that the L.A. City Council is seriously considering the latest infringement on the 2nd Amendment by Feuer. Does he really think that a convicted felon is going to go into a gun store and purchase a weapon? What happened to the “instant background check” put into place by the law-abiding Clinton-Gore administration?

Get serious, people; no convicted felon is stupid enough to go into his local sports shop and order a handgun, or an infamous AK-47, for that matter. This is just another method for the Democrats to confiscate the guns of the law-abiding citizen and an effort to increase Feuer’s electability for city attorney.



