
Appreciating John Mauceri, Bowl Orchestra

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As someone who prefers the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and its set lists 10 to 1 over the L.A. Philharmonic’s, I was disappointed to read about its second-class-citizen status designation by Phil management, the squabbles with said management and Phil management’s perceived lack of appreciation for this world-class group (“Second Fiddle Doesn’t Suit,” by Elaine Dutka, June 28).

And it must be noted that John Mauceri is The Man! Without Mauceri, there would be no HB Orchestra. His vision, his set lists and his approach and style are the orchestra’s.

So, to Phil management I say, “Get with the program!” Let’s see some overdue and well-deserved respect here for an orchestra that by all rights is outdrawing and should be out-earning the Phil by plenty.


I was at that inaugural concert back in 1991, and I cannot imagine not seeing Mauceri at the orchestra’s podium onstage at the Bowl in 2011.


San Gabriel

As a regular subscriber to the Bowl, I for one vote the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra as my favorite orchestra and Mauceri as my favorite conductor. The energy and sound the orchestra generate are far superior to what the Philharmonic can create.

I have always enjoyed Mauceri’s compassion and dedication to music and his vast knowledge of composers and how music is created. I also appreciate his contribution to my understanding of music with his weekday radio programs on KMZT-FM. Mauceri should be held up as the kind of person who should be praised and acknowledged as an important person within the community. It is a shame that petty politics within the Philharmonic should hinder and prevent the expression of a man as talented as Mauceri.



Marina del Rey

I was disappointed and baffled at Mauceri’s views regarding his status in the L.A. music world.

His orchestra serves an important function, such as the Boston Pops, etc. It will never achieve the status of the L.A. Philharmonic! I wish him peace of mind and acceptance of his role.

The stigma of his unhappiness can affect the wonderful feelings we expect from fine music.


Los Angeles

The tussle between pops and classical was most enlighteningly portrayed. I like knowing how much the Bowl brings in to the Philharmonic’s $50-million annual operating budget.



