
Preserve Cove Cottages

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Re “Community Sees Last 4th on the Sand,” July 4: I continue with dismay to follow the story of Crystal Cove, a wonderful enclave of cottages being destroyed by our wonderful new attitude of “out with the old and in with the new.” Why must we destroy all vestiges of our history for the good of a few people? If this were turned into a big resort, only a few would be able to enjoy it because the cost would be prohibitive to most Californians.

If the cottages were restored and available for public rent, it would at least preserve them as a symbol of a California lifestyle that no longer exists. It would show that our government still cares about our history. Ironic as it seems, most Californians have to go to Hawaii to enjoy what California was like before coastal land costs became so prohibitive.

Jan Mauck

San Diego
