
Religious Opposition to Gays and Lesbians

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Re “Plan to Permit Faith-Based Gay Bias Dies,” July 11:

I am appalled at the continuing efforts of pseudo-Christian organizations, such as the Salvation Army, to further discrimination against lesbian and gay citizens. Jesus did not preach the laws of Leviticus; his was a gospel of love, compassion and forgiveness. Those who use his name to further agendas of hate and prejudice are truly the “anti-Christ.”

As a gay man, I pray that I will not be dependent upon these organizations for social services in the future.

Donald C. Mitchell

Los Angeles



We would have not known of the secret deal to discriminate against gays brewing between the White House and the Salvation Army if it hadn’t been for an internal Salvation Army memo that wound up in the hands of the Washington Post. Makes you wonder just how many other secret deals are being made at the White House that haven’t seen the light of day, doesn’t it.

Paul Barwick

Mill Valley, Calif.
