
Proposal to Triple Council Salaries Roils South Gate

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Salaries for South Gate City Council members would more than triple under a proposal that immediately drew fire from some members and residents who accuse the council of unjustly boosting its pay at taxpayers’ expense.

The measure introduced at Tuesday’s council meeting calls for the creation of a Community Development Commission to be staffed by council members at $1,600 per month. In addition, they would continue to receive their monthly council salary of $600 for the part-time job.

The salary issue has inflamed passions in the southeast Los Angeles County city already known for its vicious election campaigns and bare-knuckle politics. On a 3-1 vote, the council without comment approved the measure’s introduction despite opposition from most residents at the raucous meeting.


City officials claim that the raise, to a base of about $2,200 a month, is justified because members will have to attend more meetings as the new development commission revamps the city’s master plan.

But Councilman Hector De La Torre, who voted against the measure, said he will refuse the raise to protest what he calls a scheme to get around a state law that limits members’ salaries to around $600 per month. The salary cap applies to most cities with populations of less than 100,000.

“This is worse than sinful,” said De La Torre during a speech that drew loud applause . “The priorities are totally screwed up. People are just looking out for themselves.”


De La Torre said he will donate his raise to a youth organization. He said his council ally, Henry C. Gonzalez, who was absent from the Tuesday meeting, also will refuse the pay increase.

According to the proposed ordinance, the new commission would combat blight and manage redevelopment projects. Interim City Manager Sam Nassar said the commission will have a “different function” from the existing redevelopment agency.

He said members will have to oversee more projects because the city’s redevelopment zone is going to double. Council members currently receive $60 monthly for serving on the redevelopment agency which meets twice a month. “There’s going to be a lot more involvement from the council,” he said.


The three-member council majority will likely approve the ordinance later this month. The three--Mayor Raul Moriel, Vice Mayor Xochilt Ruvalcaba and Councilwoman Maria Benavides--did not return calls seeking comment.
