
Daughter Also Could Rage

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Stephanie LaMotta tough? You could ask a would-be London mugger about that.

One night in 1982, LaMotta walked out of a nightclub when a man approached and asked her for money.

“The funny part is, I was going to give him some money,” she recalled.

“I said, ‘Come over to my car and I’ll write you a small check.’

“Then he pulled out a knife. I said to him, ‘I’m going to hurt you if you use that.’

“He tried to stab me but I blocked the knife with my left hand, which he cut. Then I hit him in the stomach with my left and as he doubled up I hit him on the jaw with my right. He went down, out cold. He was still out cold when the cops came.”

The little “LaMotta’s Daughter KOs Mugger” story made Page 1 on sports sections around the world.


There was this reaction from New York, where reporters found her father: “Dat’s my goil!” cooed Jake LaMotta. “Ain’t dat cute?”
