
Research on Humans Must Remain Humane

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Re “Bush Mulls Stem Cell Issue,” July 13: I have two questions regarding the issue of stem cell research. Are there suddenly no alternatives? Computer modeling is more advanced today than ever before, and scientists could always return to performing tests on puppies, kittens, monkeys and rabbits. If people are aghast about animal testing, how is that different from human testing? If computer modeling and animal testing aren’t as effective as stem cell research, that’s only because stem cells are--oops--human.

When defining who is human in this day of pluralism and tolerance, shouldn’t we err on the side of caution? At the most basic scientific level, all human embryos have the same genetic composition as ourselves. Medical research can always be advanced by experimenting on humans, be they embryos, homeless, criminals or prison camp victims (Nazi Germany tried the same thing). We will find cures for the world’s diseases, but there’s no need to be inhumane in our quest.

Craig Otey

Buena Park
