
Frustrated by Free Lunches, Rising Taxes

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I just received notification from the Orange County assessor’s office that our property taxes are increasing again.

My family and I have never received government assistance in any manner whatsoever, yet we continue to pay more taxes each year, including federal, state, local and excise. Of course this frustrates me no end. I just don’t understand why my taxes increase each and every year.

Then I read the article and saw the pictures “For Kids, There’s Still Such a Thing as a Free Lunch at 52 Summer Sites,” July 10.


The article lauds a new program that provides 13,000 “free” lunches to anyone 18 or younger each day this summer. There is nothing free about this program. Hard-working taxpayers are funding this program.

Years ago, Americans were embarrassed and ashamed to receive government assistance. Today, recipients sign up for government “freebies” unabashedly. Boy, have times changed.

Leticia Briseno says she brings her eight children to get free lunches so that she can save money and “I don’t have to cook.” I am sure I will sleep better tonight knowing that this woman and her brood can eat lunch all summer on my dime.


As government assistance programs increase, so do my taxes. Our government’s seemingly unlimited assistance programs make the life of the irresponsible and lazy too comfortable.

Enough is enough. Because of rising taxes, it is just a matter of time before I will have to find a second job so that I can support my family and Briseno’s family. It is time that Briseno supports her own family like I support mine.

Francis T. Concannon Jr.

