
Fire Authority Approves $350,000 PR Effort

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The Orange County Fire Authority on Thursday approved a $350,000 contract with a public relations firm.

Under the contract, Waters & Faubel of Lake Forest will devise a campaign to increase residents’ knowledge of the Fire Authority. Partner Roger Faubel said two-thirds of the money will go toward educational materials.

The proposal drew criticism earlier because Waters & Faubel represented the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority, a coalition of south Orange County cities opposed to an airport at the former El Toro Marine base.


“People are going to say what they will say,” Faubel said Thursday night. “It was a rigorous interview process. It was exhausting.” The contract “had nothing to do with the airport and everything to do with the Fire Authority.”

Joe Kerr of the International Assn. of Firefighters said Waters & Faubel’s selection was political payback by anti-airport officials on the Fire Authority board. Further, he said, a public relations campaign “is just not a priority.” The contract amount would be enough to buy three new fire engines, he said.
