
Transponders Should Have Only One Purpose

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Re “Toll Transponder Thefts: a Mess of Happy Meals,” July 23:

So now our FasTrak transponders, promoted as a needed convenience for drivers who pay to drive to work every day, should be treated as credit cards and kept out of sight when the car is parked.

The Transportation Corridor Agencies folks cut a deal with McDonald’s. Therefore, I now have to worry about playing hide-the-transponder to prevent theft from illicit hamburger-buyers. In our overloaded and “over-convenienced” lives, do we really need to add another item to our daily lists of things to think about?

If we followed the TCA’s suggestion to remove the transponder from the windshield when not being used, we’d be replacing those Velcro strips monthly. And we’d be calling the TCA weekly to argue against being fined for blowing through a FasTrak lane while the transponder sits forgotten in the glove compartment or purse.


I have another suggestion. How about the TCA restricting the use of the transponder to its intended purpose: to make life a little easier for those of us who pay to drive to work every day. Or would that make too much sense?

Kelly Mulcrone

Rancho Santa Margarita
