
Root Learned Political Football

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In the last eight months, linebacker Greg Root of Highland High has learned more about politics than the typical high school senior.

First, he played an active role in helping his father, Jim Root, win a seat on the Palmdale City Council in November’s election. Greg’s duties ranged from making phone calls to holding campaign signs at the local mall.

“That was a lot fun . . . politics are something that I would like to do someday,” said Root, who will play in tonight’s High Desert Football Coaches’ Assn. All-Star game at Antelope Valley College.


Root’s second lesson in politics proved less fulfilling.

The 6-foot-1, 245-pound Root was widely considered the best defensive player in the Golden League entering last season.

However, after racking up 106 tackles and five sacks, Root was left off the All-Golden League team, in part because of the Bulldogs’ 3-7 record.

Root’s omission left him disillusioned.

“I was really disappointed not to make the team as a senior,” he said. “I don’t know why I wasn’t nominated for the team. I guess it was because our team struggled.”


Root’s disappointment was short-lived.

After getting lukewarm attention from college recruiters for much of the season, Root received a phone call two weeks before signing day from a coach at Wisconsin. Root took a trip to the Madison campus and was offered a scholarship when he arrived.

“That was the easiest decision I have ever had to make,” Root said. “I would probably have gone to the University of Idaho if that hadn’t happened. I am just excited to get the opportunity to play.”

Root was not on Wisconsin’s recruiting list until Coach Vincent Smith of Locke High told the Badgers’ coaching staff about him.


Smith is a longtime friend of the Root family and had film of Root’s senior season when a Wisconsin recruiter visited Locke in South-Central L.A.

“[Smith] asked the Wisconsin coach how recruiting was going and they told him that they only needed a linebacker,” Root said. “[Smith] told them he knew of a good linebacker and gave them my tape. That’s when they called me.”

Getting help from a family friend has motivated Root to prove he is deserving of a scholarship from a school that has won two of the last three Rose Bowls.

Root should get plenty of opportunities tonight playing for the West, coached by Jeff Cortez of Paraclete. Root is expected to play running back, wide receiver, linebacker, nose guard, and on special teams.

“If he leaves the field at all, I will be surprised,” Cortez said. “I heard a lot about him, but I really didn’t know anything until he started practices with us. There is no doubt he is a Division I kid.”
