
Diversity Exemplified in Arizona Memorial

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A sample of America’s diversity lies entombed in the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. On my first visit to Hawaii I went to see the memorial. As I sat alone quietly contemplating so many young lives lost, a woman came up, put her hand on my shoulder and asked if I had lost anyone here. I thanked her but told her as an African American, I was glad the Navy was segregated and that our boys were not free to work and die here. Then I remembered, we always worked in the kitchens, messes, laundries. The park ranger confirmed my fears. Yes, 24 blacks are entombed with all other races of American men. In fact, this is the ship where Dorie Miller won the Navy Cross. He came up from his segregated kitchen quarters and manned an antiaircraft gun and shot down several Japanese aircraft. He survived this attack but was killed on another ship.

When you go to play in the sun, don’t forget to visit the memorial to honor all of America’s men buried there.

Ann Hadley

Los Angeles
