
Gov. Schwarzenegger?

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* Re “Pigsty Politics Dirties Davis More Than Actor,” by Robert Scheer, Commentary, March 13: As a lifetime registered Democrat, I am outraged and embarrassed at the machinations and character denigration of Arnold Schwarzenegger by Gov. Gray Davis and his “top political operative” Garry South.

Although not a fan of Schwarzenegger’s movies, except for “Twins” and “Kindergarten Cop,” I have the highest regard for him as a man and a citizen of his adopted country. His good deeds far outweigh those of most of us who are U.S.-born. Hopefully, the Democratic Party will not solicit this household for any contributions until South has been replaced.


Sherman Oaks


Scheer ludicrously accuses me of “one of the meanest political smear jobs in recent memory” in faxing political reporters a recent Premiere magazine article about Schwarzenegger. If he truly believes that, the veteran Scheer is either star-struck by the Terminator or his memory of other recent campaigns isn’t so good. This piece was printed in a reputable national publication covering the film industry. It has been written up in newspapers from USA Today to the Times of London--as well as the Los Angeles Times. Scheer himself inexplicably devoted an entire paragraph to repeating some of the same charges he calls “dirt.”


As to the propriety of disseminating an article that raises questions about a potential candidate for public office, in a March 9 news analysis, Mark Barabak accurately described my fax as “a standard practice by operatives in both political parties.” For his part, Schwarzenegger placed an out-of-the-blue phone call in February to Times columnist George Skelton. The actor proceeded to gloat over a previous Skelton column mildly critical of Davis, bad-mouthed the governor himself, then threatened to run against him if Davis didn’t shape up according to Schwarzenegger’s criteria. The celebrity-absolving Scheer absurdly characterized Schwarzenegger’s comments as “gracious.” On Feb. 7, the nonpartisan National Journal called his move “a blatant political play” and “the most definitive attack any Republican governor candidate-to-be has made against Davis.”

Despite Schwarzenegger’s gratuitous slams and long-running self-promotion as a potential opponent, Davis has graciously retained him as chair of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. When asked about the prospect of the former Mr. Universe taking him on, the governor has often replied, “That’s fine, I’m thinking about starring in ‘Terminator 3.’ ”

GARRY SOUTH, Senior Political

Advisor to Gov. Gray Davis

Los Angeles


I am astounded by the arrogance of Schwarzenegger. What qualifications does he think he has to become governor? Being a wealthy, muscle-bound, dedicated Republican doesn’t do it, Arnold.


