
Teenage Zoo Shooter Gets 25-Year Sentence

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From Times Wire Reports

The teenager who wounded seven young people when he opened fire at the National Zoo last April was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

In sentencing Antoine Jones, 17, District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Noel A. Kramer said, “You have a decent family. Your mother has worked very hard to raise you the right way.”

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I’m not a bad person at all,” Jones said. He mentioned his father, James Antonio Jones, who is serving a 29-year sentence on a drug conspiracy conviction. “He is not a bad person either. We both just made big mistakes in our lives.”


Jones fired toward a crowd at the entrance to the zoo on the Monday after Easter, after the annual Black Family Celebration. He acted, according to Kramer, after someone broke a bottle at his feet.
