
Fox Urges Zapatistas to Meet With Him

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Associated Press

Expressing “absolute will to achieve peace,” President Vicente Fox on Tuesday made a dramatic appeal for a meeting with Zapatista rebel leaders, who say they plan to leave Mexico’s capital and head back to the jungle Friday.

Fox announced that he will meet more of the rebels’ conditions for talks, transforming three military bases into community centers and freeing more Zapatista prisoners.

“Where there were weapons, there will be hearts and wills to promote the dignity of our indigenous brothers and sisters,” Fox said at the presidential residence.


He said he was sending a letter inviting rebel leader Subcommander Marcos to meet with him “before his return to Chiapas.”

Fox also called on Congress to find a way to meet with Zapatista rebels to discuss a proposed law on Indian rights.

Marcos gave no response in a university appearance immediately after Fox spoke. But at a later event, another Zapatista leader dismissed Fox’s offer.


“Don’t pay any attention to what Mr. Fox says. He speaks with two tongues,” said Tacho, who, like Marcos, uses one name. He stood beneath a banner that, in both Spanish and English, called for the president to “get the troops and paramilitary forces out” of Chiapas state.
