
Spring Is Expected to Bring 2% Increase in Pleasure Travel

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If the crowds aren’t descending on Disney’s new park in full force yet, maybe they will this spring, when overall pleasure travel is expected to increase by more than 2% over last year, according to a survey by the Travel Industry Assn. of America. More than 147.4 million trips will be taken in March, April and May--86% of them for leisure purposes, the organization’s officials said.

Twenty percent of those who traveled last year said they plan to travel more this spring than last, with 50% saying they plan to travel about the same.

The survey found that 47% of the travelers will be accompanied by spouses, while 27% plan to bring children or grandchildren. Only one in five travelers plans to go solo.


Bonnie Harris covers tourism for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7828 and at
