
Campaign Money

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* Hard money, soft money. Makes no difference, it all spends the same. You want campaign finance reform? Try limiting campaign spending to what the job pays. Brass-tacks common sense dictates that you don’t spend upward of $5 million to get elected to a job that pays $186,000 per year. It’s fiscally irresponsible.

The ability to raise gobs of cash is an admirable quality in this money-grubbing society. Let the candidates continue this process and the electorate can continue to cast their votes on that basis, if they wish. But let the cash revert to the general fund.

Set aside air time on C-SPAN (or some other broadcast venue) and allow space in newspapers for the candidates to state their respective cases. Then maybe you and I could actually vote on the issues, live in a representative democracy and be in line for a genuine tax cut.



