
Bush’s Green Policy Makes Many See Red

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* Re “Bush Criticized as Fear for Environment Grows,” April 30: When will those who believed George W. Bush’s promises that he would bring us together and protect the environment realize that they have been had? Remember Bush boasting that he had worked with Democrats in Texas as well as Republicans? Instead, his rigid conservatism has created deep divisions along party lines.

He has chipped away at sensible environmental protections on almost a daily basis. Your Times Poll reveals how far off of mainstream American environmental views Bush has moved the government. I’ve heard it said that all politicians lie, but George W.’s betrayal is more blatant than most.


San Pedro


It is beyond comprehension why The Times would undertake a time-consuming and probably expensive national poll to ask questions that do nothing to clarify opinion on important issues. Asking the public regarding the causes of climate change measures only the effectiveness of media pressure on a subject that involved scientists cannot seem to answer.


To the question on reducing the carbon dioxide emissions, why did you not point out that the Kyoto Protocols would allow developing countries to continue to increase CO2 emissions, and that this was not acceptable to the Senate, or give the public the realistic choice between blackouts or nonpolluting nuclear power plants?




It is very encouraging to see and hear the concern of fellow Americans for the environment. And at the end of the day we all get in our polluting and gas-guzzling SUVs, satisfied with ourselves that our concern will make a difference in the amount of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere and that there will be no drilling in Alaska. Imagine the difference we could make if we would also change our ways.


Culver City


Your April 29 headline reads, “Bush Rates Fairly Well, Except on Environment.” Isn’t that like someone saying that I’m a pretty good mother except for making my kids eat and bathe in the toilet?



