
Councilman Bernson on Billboard Proposal

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Re “Still Too Many Billboards,” editorial, May 2: While most of us would like to reduce or remove all billboards in Los Angeles, the fact is they are protected by state law. The current proposal, authored by Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas, proposes a trade-off of reducing a significant number of boards in exchange for each board allowed adjacent to freeways in industrial zones (Caltrans must approve). It would prohibit any additional boards in the future, except for those near the freeways.

It is simply a question of whether we are willing to trade. If nothing is passed or if the ordinance is economically unfeasible, not one board will come down. The City Council has already approved a moratorium on any more billboards, authored by myself. We are hoping to clean up visual blight in Los Angeles.

Hal Bernson

Councilman, 12th District

Los Angeles
