
Stem the Population Tide

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James Ricci picked the perfect analogy: accommodating 611,000 more L.A. residents by 2010 would be like inviting the cities of Seattle and Covina to move in with us (“Another Absurd Act of Blind Faith,” Metropolis, Oct. 7). From the scores of police, firefighters and teachers to the millions of gallons of water that would be needed, it’s a loathsome vision to behold. The catch is that even if we were to deal with this influx, the root problem would not be solved. After 2010--surprise, surprise--the city will just keep on growing.

Clearly, the city is not dealing with this issue rationally. Rather, our elected leaders are plunging their heads into the sand, secure that when the sludge hits the fan they will be long gone from office. We, on the other hand, will still be stuck on the 405. We read more and more stories about how our city/state/country/world population is expanding. Distress- ingly, every story deals with how to accommodate additional people. Nothing is ever said about stemming the tide. Change the tax structure to encourage smaller families, educate children to the benefits of smaller families and make family planning a top priority worldwide.

Paul Scott

Santa Monica
