
Media Patriotism and Opinionated Comics

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Re “Media Bias--Once a Sin, Now a Virtue,” Commentary, Nov. 9: Now let me get this straight. It’s OK for the media to be biased in favor of a liberal agenda on a daily basis but it’s not OK to be biased in favor of an American agenda when it comes to fighting a war to eradicate terrorism that threatens the very freedoms journalists enjoy? Right!

It would appear that the events of Sept. 11 caused a sudden awakening among those in the media to be more objective and balanced, and heaven forbid that they appear to favor America’s cause by even so much as wearing a tiny flag lapel pin. Give me a break!

Georgianna L. Troin

Rancho Palos Verdes



Michael Kinsley and myriad representatives of the fourth estate are spending an inordinate amount of newsprint and broadcast time claiming to be impartial purveyors of news. Since I don’t buy that, I rely on my daily Times for sports and comics. So, Sunday morning I turn to the comics section for relief. And guess what? There in “Doonesbury” and “The Boondocks” is the same opinionated pap carried over from the news and opinion sections. Where are the patriotism police when I need them?

Dick Schneider

Oak View
