
Don’t Let City Reduce Meaning of Christmas

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Re “Religious Displays to Be Moved to Park,” Nov. 6:

Our Founding Fathers created our nation on the principles of Christianity, and our laws are derived from the Bible. Many of our nation’s citizens are Christians, and our 1st Amendment stops government from intruding on our religious beliefs. Mission Viejo City Manager Dan Joseph’s decision to purge religion from the Four Corners is yet another assault on Christians, and all religions. We are one nation under God, and our misguided public officials cannot be allowed to snuff out our heritage and traditions of our holy season.

Cathy Schlicht

Mission Viejo


As an American citizen, I’m appalled by this story. Is it truly the city of Mission Viejo or the writer who thinks that having a holiday display with Santa Claus is a “secular display”? Since when is Santa Claus secular? Who needs to be educated on the definition of secular?


Last I checked, “secular” meant not relating to religion. The only Santa Claus I know is one who represents Christianity and Christmas. And, last I checked, Christianity is a belief system comprised of a variety of religions that all lead to Christ, and Christmas is a Christian holiday. How is it that the Islamic and Jewish communities are to accept this symbol? Most important, since when does a city affiliate itself or associate with a particular religion or belief system? What is happening to our country?

Jennifer Heinrich

North Hollywood
