
Bravo for Those Who Fought Seal Beach Tax

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Re “Ruling May Cut Property Taxes,” Nov. 13:

Kudos to the Seal Beach residents who challenged the manner in which California properties are taxed.

You note, “It could cost local governments millions of dollars and result in lower property taxes for thousands of homeowners.” The residents of Seal Beach need the tax relief. The City Council seizes any opportunity to raise existing taxes and fees, or create new fees.

Seal Beach has the highest utility tax of 11%, and the city will not allow a vote on that tax. No utility tax relief was granted when the Bixby development was approved.


At the present time, residents are voting on proposed increases in street sweeping and tree trimming fees that exceed the costs. The mail-in ballot has no outside oversight.

It is time to cut the increasing sources of revenue to cities and insist that they live within their means just as the taxpayers do.

Michelle A. Brendel

Seal Beach
