
Red Cross Is Here to Serve All of Us

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The American Red Cross’ offer to refund any donations that some contributors want returned showed evidence of a great organization (Nov. 13). It is one for which I am proud to be a local volunteer, along with many who respond to disasters that happen locally. I know that what happened in New York and at the Pentagon struck horror in all of us. I was able to participate in volunteering for the Red Cross at the Pentagon, and to me it was a way to try to make things right.

Many people donated blood or services, and many, many others donated money. This was wonderful, but I think we also need to remember that a single-family fire that has destroyed property or lives is just as devastating to those individuals involved as what happened in the terrorist attacks. The Red Cross takes care of all disaster victims, no matter how big or small the event. Your donation helps all victims. Does it really matter if it only goes to New York or the Pentagon? What about your neighbor? The Red Cross receives its money from donations. They are tax-deductible and go for a great cause. Do you really want it refunded?

Sue Hammarlund

