
Well, They Won’t Be Any Better Than 9-3

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Given that USC has one of the toughest schedules in the nation, it is not out of the question that the Trojans could end up with a 1-11 season.

It is time for drastic action. Carson Palmer is not doing the job. Replace him. What do we have to lose?

Robert J. Gagliano

Palos Verdes


Alas, USC’s quarterback, Carson Palmer, has proved that he cannot win. Highly regarded and possessed of raw talent, he lacks natural football instincts. His passing yardage is made on short passes and long runs by the receivers. When the chips are down and a scoring drive is needed, he will throw an interception, or fumble.


USC appears headed for a 4-7 season ... if they’re lucky.

Gary A. Robb

Los Angeles


Can we please say it now? Carson Palmer is OK, maybe better than OK. A big guy who can really wing the ball, but he ain’t gonna achieve what all SC fans want--a return to the glory days.

Palmer isn’t even gonna achieve a .500 season. And, he isn’t going to do this because, aside from Sultan McCullough, the Trojans are very slow afoot, they lack an aggressive fighting spirit, and they lose all the battles in the trenches.

The focus has been on Carson so long now, and therein lies the problem. Garrett and company cannot see the solution because they are blinded by a concept.


Dan Jensen

San Clemente


After attending Saturday’s USC-Stanford game, I must state, the only thing more dysfunctional than USC was the Coliseum.

After only 30 seconds into the first quarter, the scoreboard clocks failed and could not be fixed until the second half. The play clock operated for two plays and then broke for the rest of the game.

The ineptness was not limited to electronic failures; only a handful of out-of-town scores were posted during the lengthy timeouts. Instead, officials chose to show one Big Ten or Big 12 score and then focus on lengthy fan or cheerleader close-ups. The Washington-Cal final score was never posted, as well as other conference games.


In all, the presentation of the game was a complete embarrassment to both USC and the city of Los Angeles, which supposedly aspires to an NFL franchise someday. While I was glad that Stanford won, the biggest loser Saturday was the Coliseum. I’m sure USC alums will overlook the stadium deficiencies, however, during their hunt for a new coach, which seems well underway after only four games.

Wayne Otchis

West Hills


Memo to my fellow Trojan alumni and supporters:

You read it here first!

USC will be Pac-10 champions by season’s end. We will also be ranked in the top 10 and regarded as one of the best in the nation.

I’m talking about the USC basketball program. That’s right. USC is now a basketball school. So let’s stop all the whining and crying and channel that energy into support for our talented hoopsters.

Coach Henry Bibby has put USC in the national spotlight, and in order to build on that success, we need to speed up the process for an on-campus arena. Let’s make this our No. 1 priority.

Edwin Borques

Los Angeles
