
Damning Arafat With Faint Praise

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Re “Arafat Walking a Fraying Tightrope,” news analysis, Oct. 14:

It seems that in this “new” war President Bush is fighting on terror, he is so intent on getting his man that he will support any unsavory means to achieve this end. By openly praising Yasser Arafat for attempting to enforce a cease-fire in the wake of a Palestinian protest last week in support of Osama bin Laden, the president and the State Department cheapen the noble principles of this war.

How did Arafat show the world he was enforcing the cease-fire? By responding to the protests with rounds of live ammunition, killing three Palestinians, threatening journalists from showing footage of the protest, banning all journalists from speaking to protesters in later protests and shutting down two universities.

Isn’t it ironic that Arafat is being applauded for his abuse of the common principles of our Constitution and for the use of excessive force? If the president wants a war against terrorism, let him take a firm stand and show consistency. Praise only those who earn it.


Esther Kandel

Los Angeles


The Oct. 15 commentary by Hussein Ibish and Ali Abunimah, “For the Palestinians, the Terrorism Crisis Has Two Faces,” expresses shock that the Palestinian police opened fire on Gaza protesters. What’s truly shocking is that with Arafat’s grip on the press we heard about it at all. Indeed, the Palestinian Authority initially attempted to blame the shootings on mysterious masked men firing from inside a building, a charge that was disputed by numerous observers (Oct. 10).

This lapse is unsurprising when one considers the authors’ later contention that the unprecedented efforts of Ehud Barak and Bill Clinton at Camp David comprised a “ploy.” Yes, that’s what we do here in America. We use the energy and resources of our chief official to contrive elaborate ploys. How embarrassing that you caught us.


Ted “Mendy” Rand

Santa Monica


Arafat is having trouble controlling the pro-Bin Laden demonstrators. But his government-regulated schools teach young Palestinians to hate both Americans and Israelis. Arafat’s problems are analogous to Dr. Frankenstein’s inability to control the monster he created. He definitely doesn’t deserve our sympathy or trust.

Connie L. Mandel-Senft

Los Angeles



When it suits him, Arafat unleashes violence on Israelis. When it suits him, he unleashes violence on his own people. Kind of makes you wonder about that Nobel Peace Prize, doesn’t it?

E. Scott Menter

