
Domestic Terror and the 2nd Amendment

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Re “Gun Control Leader Bucked the Tide,” Oct. 16: The assassination of Thomas C. Wales, president of CeaseFire, is a sad reminder of our domestic terrorism and of our government’s indifference to protecting its citizens. Freedom has its rules, and we should not satisfy a militant minority bent on distorting the Constitution.

Denis Forest



The shooting death of a man I did not know, who was the head of an organization I’d never heard of, shook me nearly as much as the events of Sept. 11. The murder of Wales is a reminder that the enemies of freedom are not only the terrorists in foreign lands but that they reside here and call themselves Americans.


Ken Bernfield

Sherman Oaks


Re “Court Says That Individuals Have a Right to Own Guns,” Oct. 17: Since the death of Wales, possibly an assassination by some gun nut, I would imagine that the other anti-gun people now take comfort in the 5th Circuit Court’s ruling that the 2nd Amendment “protects individual Americans in their right to keep and bear arms” as they reach over to the gun on their night stand when they hear a bump in the night.

Trent D. Sanders

La Canada



With a decision from the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals for a citizen’s right “to keep and bear arms,” our Supreme Court may have an opportunity to decide a matter of historic importance by interpreting the intent and meaning of the 2nd Amendment. In this event, the justices could obtain valuable insights from the opinions of the average head of household just about anywhere in the Mideast. Like the authors of the 2nd Amendment in their time, most Middle Eastern citizens are surrounded by legions of armed troops, and it is illegal for these citizens “to keep and bear arms.”

Michael P. Moran

San Clemente


Your Oct. 17 editorial, “Fathers and Sons,” recalling the photograph of a bearded man in Afghanistan giving a 14-year-old boy war lessons, is so right. The photo was powerful and heartbreaking! But can we criticize, when, according to an Oct. 15 article, a Fullerton-based pro-gun group has rented 300 billboards throughout California to push its message that an armed populace is a safe populace? If Mom and Dad can be armed, can Junior be far behind?


Ruth Prinz

Santa Monica
