
My Best Shot

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Douglas Trimborn, 10, of Thousand Oaks fishes from a picnic table in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park in this photo taken by his father, Bob, in August 2000. What may look like moody mist in the background is actually smoke from forest fires settling over Jackson Lake, Bob says. The Trimborns, including Bob’s wife, JoAnne, and daughter, Claire, spent more than two weeks on an RV camping trip in the West. Besides fishing, they went boating, hiked and rode horses. Grand Teton National Park was Bob’s favorite stop. “It’s an alpine lake setting that I don’t think can be matched anywhere,” he says.

* Do you have a terrific travel photo? Send a color print or slide to: “My Best Shot,” Travel Section, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. Tell us when and where you took it and include your name, address and telephone number. Photos can be returned only if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
