
Players Dismiss Ranking

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UCLA’s reaction to the much-ballyhooed initial BCS rankings released Monday was a collective yawn, even though the Bruins are No. 3, a notch above their No. 4 ranking in the Associated Press poll.

“We know it doesn’t mean anything,” linebacker Robert Thomas said. “Before last week Oregon thought they’d be ranked high in the BCS.”

The top two BCS teams, Oklahoma and Nebraska, meet Saturday, meaning the Bruins would move up to No. 2 with a victory over Stanford.


That prospect offered a measure of intrigue.

“It tells me our destiny is in our own hands,” cornerback Ricky Manning said.


Coach Bob Toledo added an unusual twist to the traditional postgame handshake with the opposing coach Saturday.

He offered Tom Holmoe of California a job.

“I invited him to be on my staff,” Toledo said. “He’s an excellent coach and I told him I’d consider him if I had the opportunity.”

Toledo did not believe the comments were out of place because the Bears are 0-6 and it is a foregone conclusion Holmoe will resign or be fired after the season.

“The writing is on the wall,” Toledo said. “He knows he’s in trouble.”


Toledo has made a point of telling reporters he rarely reads the newspapers or watches television, yet he opened remarks at his news conference by complaining about negative coverage.

“It bothers me when I read the paper or listen to the radio or the TV and I have people nitpicking about this team,” Toledo said. “[Reporters] came up to me and asked why DeShaun Foster didn’t get 300 yards again. You know how difficult it is to gain 300 yards?”


Cory Paus said a change of shoes might have helped him record his season-best performance against Cal.


“I’ve been wearing low tops and I went back to the shoes I wore last year,” he said. “I’m more of a mid-top guy.”

Was the difference ankle support or superstition?

“Maybe a little of both,” he said.


UCLA’s Nov. 3 game at Washington State will begin at 3:30 p.m. and be televised on Channel 9.
