
Little League Now Has an Age-Old Problem

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We all thought that Little League baseball was shocked to find out that Danny Almonte was 14. Imagine the Dodgers’ reaction: They had already signed him to a minor league contract.

Brian Haueter



Any time someone dominates in an athletic arena, the question of cheating surfaces. Whether it’s age, drugs or stealing strategies, people just can’t imagine someone being so superior to another human being in an athletic contest.

I say let’s check Shaq’s birth certificate. And was Tiger really born here on Earth? And don’t even get me started with that Lance Armstrong guy .


The funny thing is that Danny Almonte’s team lost. I thought cheating was only a big deal if you won. They lost, so let’s forget it. Cheaters never prosper! I don’t care how old Danny Almonte is. His age should have been settled before he threw his first pitch, not after he threw his last.

Alvin M. Okamura

